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Web Resources for EQ-5D
 ICD-10 search
Relevant Clinical Literature
Pubmed on EQ-5D
RCT with EQ-5D
Systematic reviews of EQ-5D
EQ-5D in N Eng J Med, Lancet, JAMA, BMJ
EQ-5D in Cochrane Collaboration
TRIP Database on EQ-5D
Google Scholar on EQ-5D
Bandolier on EQ-5D
UK Guidance
NHS Evidence on EQ-5D
Nice Guidance on EQ-5D
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination databases -DARE & NHS EED (evaluates reliability of research)
SNOMED search
NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries on EQ-5D
Other Wikis
Wikipedia on EQ-5D (Less technical, ? quality control)

The EQ-5D (European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions) is a instrument used to evaluate quality of life. It has been widely used in Western health related surveys and so data is available for quite large populations that can be related to diseases such as those classified by ICD-10 codes. It is thought more meaningful to map EQ-5D data to QALYs than disability life year data to DALYs in most health economical analysis.