Surgery is a division of medicine in which practitioners, in addition to diagnosis, are trained to perform operations and interventional procedures. Traditionally, the ability to perform surgery clearly separated physicians and surgeons, but in current medical practice, intervention is no longer the preserve of surgeons and many other specialties are now able to perform interventions.
Contents |
Approach to surgical problems
- Analysis of presenting complaint
- Underlying disease process (cause and risk factors)
- Complications associated with disease
- Fitness for surgery/functional assessment
History of surgery
See history of general surgery
Pre-operative Care
You need an invariable routine of essentials to have been done before the patient has their surgery. Beware of:
- Diagnosis
- Anaesthetist / anaesthetic fitness
- Advice to patient
Optimising for theatre
Pre-operative testing
- Anti-coagulation
- Blood grouping
- Medication review
Pre-operative testing
- Consent
- Marking
- Theatre list
- Medical record reviewed and available
- Consent, marking all done
Peri-operative Care
Timing of Surgery
Elective Surgery
Emergency Surgery
- Timing, see NCEPOD
- Life and limb threatening
- Design (e.g. airflow, etc.)
- 'Scrubbing'
- Gloving, gowning
- Drapes
- Skin 'prep'
- etiquette (assisting, interrupting, etc.)
- Ergonmics (lighting, table height, etc)
- Specimens and biopsies
Technical Aspects
- Anaesthesia
- Suture
- Needles
- instruments
Quality & Quality
- Volume and mortality
- Sub-specialisation
- Teaching/training